The hard work is done and the invites have been sent. The decorations are up, the food is ready, the drinks are on ice and the tunes are pumping. This can only mean one thing…
Put on your sparkling shoes and let your hair out of that ponytail – it’s time to party like it’s 1995!
My stomach is fluttering with butterflies and my heart is beating fast; so, so fast. I’m nervous and excited at same time.
For the past five months I’ve been pouring my entire heart and soul into something big. Something just for you. And finally, fine-a-lee, the day has arrived to reveal all the delicious details…it’s time to launch…squeal!
You’re here. Welcome, beautiful friend!
Let’s clink our glasses, crack the party poppers, eat cake and dance like no one’s watching, because today we are celebrating a brand new sparkling chapter of From Shelley With Love! And let me tell you, it’s guaranteed to be the greatest and juiciest chapter yet!
Show us your best dance moves…and enjoy!
From Shelley With Love is no longer focused purely on beauty and fashion. We’re peeling back the layers and digging deeper. Much, much deeper.
As women, we too often allow ourselves to listen to the snarky voice of our inner mean-girl, our inner critic. Well it’s time for her to pipe-the-freak-down!
From Shelley With Love is about letting go of the self-doubt and negative body image, perpetuated by your inner mean-girl. It’s about discovering your truth, your authentic voice and genuine style. It’s time to celebrate you, beautiful, a-mazing you!
What can you expect from this change of direction?
As a ‘life-style’ blog, you can expect loads of fun, super charged, quality content. Be prepared for FREE articles and videos covering:
Tune into your spirit and soul with guided yoga and meditation practice, tasty green juice recipes, and workout inspiration. Let’s talk body image and secret self-esteem boosters – it’s about doing something that makes you happy every. single. day!
Create a home that’s full of love and inspiration with our decor + home styling tips and DIY projects. Jet setting or road trippin’? Check out our travel tips, recommendations + little gems we discovered on our travel journey. Planning a wedding can be stressful – let us save your sanity with simple checklists, budget saving ideas and event styling ideas.
Have a special event, job interview or date? We have you covered with our styling tips and makeup tutorials. Check out our product reviews and recommendations. Prefer organic or natural skincare? Try an edible face masks. Get all the latest news on what’s trending and crazy budget finds. To save or splurge…that’s the question!
From Shelley From Love is where beauty + fashion collide with self-love + confidence to create a powerful, unique style.
[button url=””]MORE ABOUT THIS HERE[/button]
We’ve grown-up and moved house! That’s right…we said a fond farewell to our original Blogger digs and hello to a brand new, fancy-pants, self-hosted site. I can’t express exactly how excited I am to share this incredibly special space with you!
The development of this site began in mid-March with a new logo design and a new colour scheme, inspired by clothing pieces and nail polishes pulled straight from my own collection. The whole process has been a labor-of-love. My heart and soul has been poured into every detail, every word, and every image you see.
Our spirited space…
It is my personal mission to make this little corner of the interwebs, a space full of love, sunshine, strength and support. It’s a place for open-hearted, genuine conversations to take place in a judgement and comparison-free zone.
Tribe, this is your home, your place to breath easy, shake off the tension of the day and form meaningful relationships with other like-minded vibrant women.
Why not pop your head into the comment section below and introduce yourself? I’ll go first…I can’t wait to meet you in there!
Grab your cocktail and take a look around:
Here are my must visit page recommendations. Click on the below images to get you started:
With the swanky new digs comes a kick-ass new posting schedule! Expect snazzy new content from Tuesday to Friday – that’s four days a week, every week!!
Do you suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out)? Become a member of the From Shelley With Love Tribe – it’s FREE. Receive exclusive access to weekly behind the scenes action, that only members are privy to, straight to your inbox. Simples!!
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Let’s get social and keep the party going – join us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube for plenty more soulful and stylish goodness.
The party doesn’t end here. HEY! We have so much to celebrate! I have a sneaky party favour for one lucky guest.
I want to know what you think of our new, loved-up website and the types of articles you’re excited to read.
Leave your thoughts in the comment section below to be added to the lucky draw. The winner will be drawn next Tuesday, 26 August and announced the following day.
Stay tuned for some big announcements this week, including:
// How you can work with me – oh yes, you heard it!! (postponed to a later date)
// The first From Shelley With Love Beauty Challenge Week was launched last week and was a total blast! The five winners will be revealed this Friday!
It’s hard to believe that this day has finally arrived. The planning, creation and migration of our new home has been one of the most challenging, yet crazy-rewarding experiences.
I hope you enjoyed the party and become as smitten with the new look From Shelley With Love as I am!
It’s so great to f-i-n-a-l-l-y be back…with a renewed spirit, energy and sparkle!
With love and gratitude,