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 Make your heart explode with glitter!
Previously on Achieving your Glittery Goals…

We tossed confetti and celebrated all the sparkly (ahem, and not so sparkly actions) you’ve already taken, to seeing your goal, devotions, resolution, or dream…come to life.

Then we talked about what to do if your big glittery goal was quickly turning into a big gloopy flop!

We tapped into our intuition, gut, heart or whatevs makes our spidey senses tingle and asked ourselves, “Does my glittery goal still make my heart explode with glee?”

Our intuition responded and some of us discovered that our big glittery goal was not quite aligning with what we really want.

Then we learned that a goal that truly lights you up, will pull you towards it. (a bit like how

I’m lured by all that is sparkly, polka dotty and pink…in a Kate Spade store)

And finally, we began tweaking and tailoring our big glittery goal to fit us like our favorite pair of jeans.

Missed the heart-searching zen party? I’ve got you covered HERE.


And now onto the final edition in our Achieving your Glittery Goals series…

What’s your pretty plan for achieving your glittery goal?

Ok, you probably have a pretty plan to achieve your goal…right, sweet friend?!

Remember what happens to glittery goals without sparkly plans…yep, they’re just pipe-dreams.
They’ll never be anything more…unless you create and stick to an achievable pretty plan of action.

‘Achievable’ and ‘Action’ are the optimal keywords here.

If it’s not achievable, then you’ll become completely overwhelmed, get stuck in the land of perfectionism + comparison…and before you know it, your goal has been tossed onto a smoulder pile of burn out, leaving you dripping with feelings of failure. Ewwww!

Let’s not do that!

Instead, take a moment to review your achievable pretty plan of action…and if you don’t have one, it’s never too late to create one.

Here’s what I want you to do:

Get Crystal Clear on ‘What’. You know that it’s time to really get to work, but what exactly needs to be done?

Set a 5-minute timer and write a list of actions you still need to take, in order to achieve your glittery goal.

Be sure to include any skills, financial investment, time or other resources you may also need.


Time to Prioritize and Schedule!

Now that you’re clear on ‘what’ actions need to be completed and ‘what’ you need to complete them, it’s time to prioritize these actions and schedule time to…you guessed it, take action! (seriously, how many times can I say action in one sentence?!)

Ensure each action is broken into achievable, dainty, bite-sized pieces by:

  • Allocating a date and time to each action – be sure to take its priority level into consideration.
  • Scheduling the achievable actions into your diary/calendar/planner – whatever you use to keep yourself on track.


Set The Scene & Work Your Magic

Your actions are now prioritized and scheduled (YAY!), but now it’s time to work your magic.

Doing the work doesn’t need to feel like…ummm…work! Where’s the fun in that?!

:: Create a dreamy workspace with inspiring quotes and pretty things,
:: Work from your favorite hipster coffee shop or hotel,
:: Light a beautiful scented candle,
:: Put on your favorite lipstick,
:: Make your favorite drink; or
:: Crank tunes that get you in the mood…

…hey I’m all for having a dance party before you get to work!

Make this scheduled time something special and that you really look forward to…not dread. And don’t forget…celebrate each time you check an action off your list!

Confetti toss!

You’ve just created your pretty plan.


What do you do on the days that feel like the sky is falling or you just can’t get yourself moving towards that big glittery goal?

Well love, I’ve got you covered.

Here are my bonus tips for creating a total ROCKSTAR (and rock solid) pretty plan…it’s all about inspiration + help!
Sparkalicious Bonus Tip #1

INSPIRE: Have a plan for staying inspired and motivated!

Something I always have on hand is plenty of material to keep me motivated and inspired!

Before getting to work on my actions for the day, I spend 15 to 30-minutes indulging in anything that lights my soul on fire. There are no rules or limits – however, I prefer to pull inspiration from outside my area of expertise.

For example, right now I’m obsessed with Domino and Style At Home magazine, The Fizzle Show podcast and Emily Henderson’s daily email newsletters!

Here’s what I want you to do:

Create a list of magical inspiration that you can use day-to-day or to pep you up on an off day.

I created myself a Google Sheet called Dreamy Inspiration.

It contains DIY, Home Decor, Girl Boss, Reads, Must Watch categories. Under each category are links to websites, magazines, blogs, people, videos, books, quotes, songs, podcasts…that totally rock my world.

One click and I’m transported to inspiration heaven!
Sparkalicious Bonus Tip #2


There is a way to figure out just about everything – I know this because I’ve been in an intimate relationship with my besties, Google and YouTube for years.

And whilst I’m all for ‘figuring it out’, there’s a brilliant question that begs to be asked:

Is ‘figuring it out’ really the best use of my time?

The answer is, probably not. Actually, scratch that…it’s definitely not!

These days, I give myself a realistic time limit to figure something out. 30-minutes, 2-hours – depending on the complexity of ‘figuring out’ that needs to be done.

If I haven’t done just that within the time I’ve allocated, I enlist the help of a superhero…I mean, expert (hey, they sure feel like a superhero to me!). A business strategist, web developer, personal trainer, photographer, naturopath…

And to be honest, when I’ve invested in expert help, not only did things work out waaaay better than I could have even imagined in the first place, but I also got more done, with less time and stress. OMG! So worth it!


Here’s what I want you to do:

Take a look at your glittery goal and identify who can help you realize your big sparkly dream?
This could be the hand of a beautiful friend or the glittery wand of an expert.

Then, reach out to that person and ask for help…or at least have a preliminary conversation about the way you need help and how that person might be able to help you!


Beautiful friend, it’s more than okay to ask for help…in fact I wholeheartedly encourage it! None of us have all the answers.

And that’s a wrap on our Achieving your Glittery Goals party…

Styling a life you love begins with inspired action and a pretty plan.
Stop pinning those pipe-dreams onto a Pinterest board without doing anything about it.

The time to take action is now!


Let’s quickly recap…

1. Set your goal (if you haven’t already, it’s not too late…it’s never too late),
2. Check-in with how your goal makes you feel…often! And stay connected to your ‘why’,
3. Make your achievable pretty plan of action, and schedule your time; and finally
4. Set your dreamy space and work your magic!

Bonus rockstar pretty plan tips:

Stay inspired; and last but certainly not least
Seek help from a glitterwand bearing expert!

And there you have it – a totally sparkly recipe for finally achieving your glittery goals!

Now I’d love to hear from you!

Pop over to the free (and super fun) Style Lovers & Glitter Besties Facebook Group, and share 3 actions on your pretty plan or something you need help figuring out.

I’ll be hangin’ out over there throwing celebratory dance parties, much needed truth talk and sparkly advice, like confetti!

Here’s to achieving those glittery goals…THIS YEAR!

With love,
Shelley Cohen